The trend towards allowing workers to take breaks during the day sometimes leads to too much time spent on surfing the web and Facebook and other pursuits. It’s called “cyberloafing,” and maybe there’s a limit. Or maybe not. (Source: BBC)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Rand McNally Rally
Some people prefer paper maps to GPS or map apps. The old-fashioned way may offer some benefits that Waze can’t match. (Source: USA Today)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Grounded for Life
Could flight shaming take hold in America like it’s doing in Europe? Maybe, but it will have to get over some major hurdles to do so. (Source: Los Angeles Times)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: The Big Number 639
Every number’s a milestone if you want it to be a milestone. You don’t have to wait for a round number to celebrate, do you?
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Let’s Change the Subject
Polls show that most people think you shouldn’t discuss politics at the office. Most people do it anyway. (Source: USA Today)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Hold Your Breath Until You Land
Are you more likely to catch coronavirus on an airplane? Probably not. At least, it’s no more likely than if you’re in any other place with lots of people. Maybe. (Source: Washington Post)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Hang Up
Quentin Tarantino apparently doesn’t have a cell phone. He bans other people’s phones from the set, too. Maybe he’s on to something. (Source: The Hollywood Reporter)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Sounds Good
You’re watching a movie. The actors’ accents sound inauthentic. Does that take you out of the moment? (Source: BBC)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Time Out
More states and cities are on board with the idea of mental health days off for students. Perhaps they should consider extending that to the rest of us. (Source: Washington Post)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Stupor Bowl
A survey suggests that there will be a lot of Americans calling in sick the day after the Super Bowl. If you can’t get it together after watching football on TV, maybe you should reassess your existence. (Source: USA Today)