The podcast goes on hiatus after 666 episodes (this is the 667th), because everyone needs a break.
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Your Lying Eyes
A poll shows more people today think the coronavirus threat is “blown out of proportion” than thought so a month ago. We are truly in a post-facts world. (Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Please Don’t Squeeze
Toilet paper isn’t really in short supply. It’s just that… okay, we’ll go into why you can’t easily find TP at your local market, and how that’s by design.
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Single-Minded
Things take a dark turn, and Mr. Brightside has some trouble finding humor in anything. I talk about how the incessant coronavirus news is affecting what I do for a living.
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Order To Go
We live in a time when we need instructions on safety when eating out. That’s distressing. (Source: USA Today
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Events Overtake Everything
What happens when there are too many massive news stories happening all at once? This. This is what happens.
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Blockbuster Lives
VHS tapes are making a comeback? Not really, but for some people, videotape remains a big deal, like vinyl records. (Source: CNBC via NBC News)
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Bump This
Elbow bumps replacing fist bumps replacing handshakes…
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: Time Is Not On Our Side
We love technology until it just won’t do what it’s supposed to do, like automatically reset clocks for Daylight Saving Time. That’s when the cursing starts.
The Evening Bulletin with Perry Michael Simon: The B.O. Railroad
Monopoly takes too long to play. It’s complicated and boring. Why, then, is it so popular? (Source: BBC)